Sebastian Hariman

Data Science Student with enthusiasm in utilizing data to solve complex problem.

About Me.


Sebastian is currently a Data Science student pursuing Bachelor's Degree in Bina Nusantara University. Besides Data, he also likes cat.



News Scraping and Classification

This project aims to web scrape news articles from a set of news web pages and classify news categories based on the text data gathered.


Fetal Health Classification

In this project, our team created a machine-learning model to classify the result of the Cardiotocogram test to ensure the well-being of the fetus.


Tweet Sentiment Classification

This project is made to predict the sentiment of the empty labels of Indonesian tweet data, whether it is a love, anger, fear, joy, and sadness sentiment.


Covid-19 EDA

This project is about doing an Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization on a time series of COVID-19 data to find insights about the pandemic.

R Programming

Stroke Prediction

Project to find out factors that lead people for getting stroke and predict whether someone is likely to get stroke based on several parameters.


Covid-19 Data Visualization

Project about visualizing Covid-19 cases in three continents (America, Asia, and Europe) by 2020 to find insights about the pandemic using Tableau software.

Other Works.

UI/UX Design

Hackathon 5.0

As part of the TechnoScape 2022 UI/UX Design team, I created the design for the Hackathon 5.0 page.

UI/UX Design

BNCC Opening Season 2022

As part of the BNCC Opening Season 2022 UI/UX Design team, I created the design for the home page and registration page.

Instagram Content


Filemagz is an online media that discusses technology trends and people lifestyle by creating creative and informative contents in multiple social media platforms, such as Instagram.

Instagram Content


Part of @Filemagz that aims to improve technical skills about programming for technology enthusiasts by providing various contents in Instagram.